Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sir Ken Robinson

I thought that this was a very interesting video. I never thought of it that way, but he brings up a very good point in his speech. I think that education may be killing our children’s creativity. We try to keep their education based on the math’s and sciences but if that is not where that child exceeds in learning you may be holding them back from harnessing their true creativity.

One of the points that he brings up in the talk is that education is designed to produce college professors. I have thought this myself for a long time. If a child is not interested in becoming a teacher a lot of what they learn in high school will never be used again other than basic math skills. I think that this is where introducing technology and computers into the classroom greatly benefits students. A child who can proficiently use a computer is at a greater advantage than a child who was forced to remember the structure of a cell in biology class in my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Good points.

    And I agree that schools kill creativity. They do not encourage it!

    I hope you will be able to stimulate more creativity among your students.
