Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler

stick figure

Students will become their own teachers. They will search out and find information on their own. This sounds like a great idea to me for college students but I do not really see this being effective with High School or younger students. In my personal experience children are not self motivated enough or have enough interest in the subject matter to go out and research topics on their own.

For a college level I could see where this would have great value. It would help students with research and computer skills which I think is imperative for when they graduate.

"Why does the networked student need a teacher?" I think that the networked student needs a teacher for added support in their learning and to help them when they get stuck. A networked student also needs some structure to their learning so that they are not just looking at any random thing that pops to mind.


  1. Thank you for your comments on The Networked Student. You have a point about younger students. It's not necessarily about motivation as much as it is that students don't know what they don't know. The format has actually been quite effective with 7th graders I've recently worked with. However, a lot more structure is required. It is also necessary to spend a significant amount of time on digital literacy and research skills before diving into subject matter. The point is we should be teaching these skills in the earlier grades to allow for a more complex networked learning approach at the secondary level.


  2. I won't add anything to the author of the video's comments. But I would say that a lot, a very lot, of college students do not appear to be intrinsically motivated to learn. The degree is important, yes. But learning? Not as often as I would hope or expect. Then the question becomes why? There are lots of "answers". I will address them in Dr. Strange's Strange Thoughts over the break.

  3. I would agree. There are a lot of students that are not intrinsically motivated to learn. There definitely are not a lot of young students that way. Amazing that Wendy Drexler commented on your post!!! Too cool.
