Sunday, November 1, 2009


wikipedia logo
After reading the wired story about wikipedia it makes you look at the site in a different light. Being a site that anyone is able to change things makes it open for interest groups and businesses to put forth their own view points and delete others. With the format of the site there is really nothing you can do about it.

I have used wikipedia for some time now and find it valuable when searching for something really quick. I do not think that wikipedia should be abandoned but should be looked at with skepticism as you should with many things on the internet. As far as using wikipedia for a paper or report I think you should look somewhere else. I have been told by my teachers since high school not to use wikipedia for anything other than getting ideas. As far as trusting wikipedia for reliable information I do not think you can do that.


  1. "I do not think that wikipedia should be abandoned but should be looked at with skepticism as you should with many things on the internet. " Exactly!

  2. I agree with the comment above from Dr. Strange. I was going to post the same comment but he already has....
